Symptom: The scrum master tends to control the daily standups and other forums, and the team feel isolated from the decision making.
Probable Cause: The scrum master may be too controlling, probably due to a sense of obligation to get things moving rather than from a position of "power".
Suggested Resolution: As a scrum master try to do the counter intuitive thing and prompt the team with searching socratic questions, and wait..., and wait..., and wait for an answer even if you know what the answer might be.
In this role the scrum master needs to get into that coaching and training frame of mind rather than be a one dimensional project manager. In a sense, the scrum master is there to coach the team through the scrum framework, and ultimately to train the team to elevate their thinking whilst on a project. The best way is to coach the team to verbalise their thought process through answering the socratic questions. The real art of the role is knowing which questions to ask and when, rather than knowing all of the answers.
What you are looking for is a team that learns to think on its feet and happy to be accountable rather than the scrum master feeling that they have to be in control all of the time to get things done.
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